Short Story: She said YES!

By Merife Obinna - 13 November

And she said yes!

I couldn't keep it in as I strolled home, skidding stones and other discarded items. It was like i was in heaven.

With the corner of my eye I noticed people, who passed me wondering what was wrong. Its their business.

The joy was more than all my four years at Prestige College, a secondary school located in my state capital. I'm in SS1. I was the only one without a girlfriend in class and I have been meaning to ask Mimi out.

I finally did after Physics practical and she said yes. February 14th is next two weeks. I have to impress her. I heaved a sigh and kept walking, my blue shirt and black trousers moving with the harmattan wind.

I tottally forgot i was on the tarred road till i felt been forced into the air.

I jerked up sweating! Everyone's eyes was on me. Wait. Where was I? Then, it dawned on me. I was in biology class when i slept off. And the teacher was a no nonsense man. I'm in soup AGAIN!

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